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Deployment Message

November 2023 Gesner Families, We are aware that there is a large deployment in December 2023. If this is applicable to your family and you are comfortable, please share with...

PSSC Meeting

Our PSSC is meeting tonight in room 124 at 6 PM. Everyone is welcome.

Scott’s Fundraiser

Our Scott’s Holiday Fundraiser begins today!!  Add festive flair to your porch and home, earn funds for our school, and support a local business all in one by purchasing from the three...


Yesterday the community members from the Rusagonis Baptist Church made a generous donation to our school’s snack program. Our hearts are so full of gratitude for this kind gesture!

Remembrance Day Ceremony

We want to say “Thank you!” to the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 93 for leading our school’s Remembrance Day service today.

K Cup Fundraiser

We are running a k cup fundraiser until November 13th. On offer is a fun selection of coffees, tea and delicious hot chocolate. Please visit School Cash Online to order....

Earth Rangers

The Earth Rangers organization did an amazing presentation this morning for our school. The students learned so much about different habitats and animals.

School Flag

Our school’s flag pole is broken, so the flag is stuck at half mast. It will be repaired on Monday.

The Gesner Tree of Growth

All of our students wrote on their leaves about how they have grown since September. Some wrote that they are able to print their name now, others said they now...

Happy Halloween

Our little ghouls and goblins were treated to a special breakfast this morning, banana ghosts! Happy Halloween!

Coffee Fundraiser

Please see the attached flyer with a list of coffees available to order for our school’s fundraiser. Ordering will be available online Monday, October 30-Monday, November 13. **The prices on...